All job-seekers, whatever their background or skills, are treated with respect, and we take time to establish their strengths, aspirations, experience and preferences before matching them to jobs and assignments.
If you are looking at revitalising your career and you are not registered with us, we’d love to hear from you
A FREE SERVICE FOR ALL APPLICANTS Relocating? Seeking a lifestyle change? Sick of traffic hassles? Avoid the hassle of seeking That position yourself. All Professional Technical and TradesPeople........Welcome Permanent, Temporary & Contract Anne Smith on 04 499 5119 Or 021 0450074
Physical Address 38 Waring Taylor Street Level 10, Petherick Towers Wellington city Postal Address PO Box 38-353 Wellington Mail Centre Phone Tel +64 4 499 5119 Fax +64 499 5120 Email [email protected]